I’m Zeming Wei (魏泽明), an undergraduate at School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University. I was also a visiting student at UC Berkeley in Fall, 2023. I am interested in improving the trustworthiness of Machine Learning, specifically focusing on mechanism interpretability, adversarial robustness, and generative AI safety.

If you are interested in collaborating with me, please send me an email.

🔥 News

  • 2024.10:  ✨ My research proposal (as project leader) is approved by the undergraduate research program of Beijing Natural Science Foundation.
  • 2024.10:  🎖 I received the May 4th Scholarship, which is the highest honor scholarship of Peking University (only 1 awardee among undergraduates in School of Mathematical Sciences, Top 0.1%).
  • 2024.09:  🎉 1 Paper (as first author) accepted by SETTA 2024.
  • 2024.09:  🎉 3 Papers accepted by NeurIPS 2024.
  • 2024.07:  🎡 I attended ICML 2024 at Vienna and illustrated our poster.
  • 2024.05:  🎉 1 Paper (as corresponding author) accepted by ICML 2024.
  • 2024.03:  🎉 2 Papers (as corresponding author) accepted by ICLR 2024 R2-FM Workshop.
  • 2023.12:  💯 I achieved a full GPA (4.0/4.0) during my study at UC Berkeley (with 1 A and 2 A+ grades).
  • 2023.10:  🔗 I serve as a fellow of Berkeley AI Safety Initiative for Students (BASIS).
  • 2023.09:  🎖 I received the Exceptional Award for Academic Innovation of Peking University (only 1 awardee among undergraduates in School of Mathematical Sciences, Top 0.1%).
  • 2023.08:  🎉 1 Paper (as first author) accepted by Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.
  • 2023.07:  🏖 I attended ICML 2023 at Honolulu and illustrated our workshop poster.
  • 2023.06:  🎉 1 Paper (as corresponding author) accepted by ICML 2023 AdvML-Frontiers Workshop.
  • 2023.06:  🍁 I attended CVPR 2023 at Vancouver and illustrated our poster.
  • 2023.05:  🥈 I won Second prize in Chinese Mathematics Competitions for Undergraduates (National final, Top 0.2%).
  • 2023.05:  🎙 I gave a talk on our CVPR paper in Safe & Responsible AI workshop (ICLR 2023 social event) at Tsinghua University.
  • 2023.02:  🎉 1 Paper (as first author) accepted by CVPR 2023.
  • 2022.12:  🥇 I won First prize in Chinese Mathematics Competitions for Undergraduates (Beijing Division), and qualified for the finals.

📝 Selected Papers

(${}^{\boldsymbol\dagger}$: Corresponding Author; *: Equal Contribution)

  • Jailbreak and Guard Aligned Language Models with Only Few In-Context Demonstrations
    Zeming Wei, Yifei Wang, Ang Li, Yichuan Mo, Yisen Wang
    [pdf] [arxiv] [code]

  • MILE: A Mutation Testing Framework of In-Context Learning Systems
    Zeming Wei, Yihao Zhang, Meng Sun
    SETTA 2024
    [pdf] [arxiv] [code]

  • On the Duality Between Sharpness-Aware Minimization and Adversarial Training
    Yihao Zhang*, Hangzhou He*, Jingyu Zhu*, Huanran Chen, Yifei Wang, Zeming Wei${}^{\boldsymbol\dagger}$
    ICML 2024
    [pdf] [arxiv] [code]

  • Boosting Jailbreak Attack with Momentum
    Yihao Zhang*, Zeming Wei*${}^{\boldsymbol\dagger}$
    ICLR 2024 R2-FM Workshop
    [pdf] [arxiv] [code]

  • Exploring the Robustness of In-Context Learning with Noisy Labels
    Chen Cheng*, Xinzhi Yu*, Haodong Wen*, Jingsong Sun, Guanzhang Yue, Yihao Zhang, Zeming Wei${}^{\boldsymbol\dagger}$
    ICLR 2024 R2-FM Workshop
    [pdf] [arxiv] [code]

  • Weighted Automata Extraction and Explanation of Recurrent Neural Networks for Natural Language Tasks
    Zeming Wei, Xiyue Zhang, Yihao Zhang, Meng Sun
    Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
    [pdf] [arxiv] [code]

  • CFA: Class-wise Calibrated Fair Adversarial Training
    Zeming Wei, Yifei Wang, Yiwen Guo, Yisen Wang
    CVPR 2023
    [pdf] [arxiv] [code]

  • Sharpness-Aware Minimization Alone can Improve Adversarial Robustness
    Zeming Wei*${}^{\boldsymbol\dagger}$, Jingyu Zhu*, Yihao Zhang*
    ICML 2023 AdvML-Frontiers Workshop
    [pdf] [arxiv] [code]

  • Extracting Weighted Finite Automata from Recurrent Neural Networks for Natural Languages
    Zeming Wei, Xiyue Zhang, Meng Sun
    ICFEM 2022
    [pdf] [arxiv] [code]

💻 Projects

  • Adversarial Safety Testing and Defense of AI Foundation Models
    Project Leader, Undergraduate research program of Beijing Natural Science Foundation
    2024.10 - 2026.09

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • May 4th Scholarship (Top 0.1%), the highest honor scholarship of Peking University, 2024
  • Merit Student (Top 10%), Peking University, 2024
  • Spotlight Award (Best Paper), 1st ICML Workshop on In-Context Learning, 2024
  • Exceptional Award for Academic Innovation (Top 0.1%), Peking University, 2023
  • Merit Student (Top 10%), Peking University, 2023
  • Second prize, Chinese Mathematics Competitions for Undergraduates (National Final, Top 0.2%), 2023
  • First prize, Chinese Mathematics Competitions for Undergraduates (Beijing Division), 2022
  • Merit Student (Top 10%), Peking University, 2022
  • Award for Contribution in Student Organizations, Peking University, 2021

📖 Educations

  • 2023.08 - 2023.12, Visiting Student, University of California Berkeley
  • 2021.06 - 2025.06 (expected), Undergraduate Student, School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University
  • 2020.09 - 2021.06, Undergraduate Student, College of Engineering, Peking University
  • 2017.09 - 2020.06, Senior High School Student, Beijing No.4 High School

💼 Academic Service

  • Conference Reviewer: NeurIPS (2023, 2024), ICLR (2024, 2025), ICML 2024, AISTATS (2024, 2025), ECCV 2024, AAAI 2025
  • Workshop Area Chair: SeT-LLM (@ICLR 2024)
  • Workshop Reviewer: XAIA (@NeurIPS 2023), ICL (@ICML 2024), IAI (@NeurIPS 2024)
  • Journal Reviewer: TMLR
  • Ethics Reviewer: NeurIPS 2023 Dataset & Benchmark Track, NeurIPS 2024
  • Fellow, Berkeley AI Safety Initiative for Students (BASIS), UC Berkeley

(Alphabetical Order)